I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy with substantial teaching experience as Course Coordinator, Tutor and Teaching Fellow for MSc programmes at UCL. In my teaching, I particularly like to combine a flipped classroom approach with active learning and real-world applications.

Student field-trip to the favela Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


2017 – 2018
Teaching Fellow
Conception, design, realisation and supervision of a module on spatial modelling and geographic information systems with a focus on the intersection of big data and urban design.
2014 – 2017
Teaching of a weekly studio-based design research module. Overseeing students’ progress, providing formative feedback and assessments. Organisation and realisation of field trips to Rio de Janeiro, BR (2015, 2016) and Venice, IT (2017). Including projects in informal settlements in Rio de Janeiro (Rocinha) and an international seminar at the GSSAP Columbia University Studio X.
2014 – 2017
Course Coordinator
Design of curriculum; organisational and pedagogical support of students including revision of course material and course guides; managing the learning platform Moodle and selecting course literature; assistance in preparation of examination reports; overseeing budgeting and timetabling; development and collection of student feedback and provision of seminars.
Recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education.


2017 – 2018
Spatial Modelling and GIS (BNVGC14)
2014 – 2017
E-merging Design Research (BARC0028)


Design and delivery of a workshop on space syntax analysis in R. Included an introduction to coding in R and space syntax. Workshop for conference participants (one-day, July, 2019)
Spatial Modelling and GIS. The Bartlett, UCL, UK.
Design and delivery of a workshop series and seminars on spatial simulation models (Agent-Based Modelling and Cellular Automata). Workshop included the modelling of pedestrian movement and urban interaction, as well as methods of web scraping (e.g. social media, twitter, instagram) and spatial data mining using Python and R, as well as web-based visualisation of geographic data using R Shiny. Workshop for MSc and MA students (four sessions in Oct & Nov 2017)
2016 – 2017
Advanced Spatial Analysis. The Bartlett, UCL, UK.
Design and delivery of a workshop series and seminars on methods of spatial data analysis including dimension reduction, clustering, spatial autocorrelation, scaling, interpolation and regression analysis. Workshop for PhD, MRes and MSc students (two sessions in each Mar 2016 and Mar 2017).
2015 – 2017
Space Syntax and depthmapX. The Bartlett, UCL, UK.
Conception, design and delivery of a workshop series and seminars on techniques and theory of space syntax, depthmapX (spatial analysis software), agent-based modelling, visual graph analysis, spatial network analysis and methods of spatial computation. Workshop for PhD, MRes and MSc students (three sessions in each Feb 2015, 2016 and Oct 2017).
2015 – 2017
GIS and Spatial Data Analysis. The Bartlett, UCL, UK.
Design and delivery of a workshop series on geographic information systems (QGIS, ArcGIS) and spatial data, including methods of R- and Python-based geoprocessing. Workshop for PhD, MRes and MSc students (three sessions in each Jan 2015, 2016 and 2017).